Photo Credit : Alex Cabarrocas Garcia

Photo Credit : Alex Cabarrocas Garcia

Photo Credit : Alex Cabarrocas Garcia

Photo Credit : Alex Cabarrocas Garcia

Photo Credit : Leon Brocard                                      Beach in Madagascar

Photo Credit : Leon Brocard

Photo Credit : Alex Cabarrocas Garcia

Photo Credit : Alex Cabarrocas Garcia

Photo Credit : Alex Cabarrocas Garcia

Photo Credit : Alex Cabarrocas Garcia

Photo Credit : Alex Cabarrocas Garcia

Photo Credit : Alex Cabarrocas Garcia

Photo Credit : Alex Cabarrocas Garcia

Photo Credit : Frank Vassen                                 Baobab Trees in Madagascar

Photo Credit : Frank Vassen

Photo Credit : Frank Vassen                                           Baobab Trees in Madagascar

Photo Credit : belgianchocolate

Photo Credit : Robin Taylor

Photo Credit : Frank Vassen

Photo Credit : Frank Vassen

Photo Credit : Frank Vassen

Photo Credit : Alex Cabarrocas Garcia

Photo Credit : Alex Cabarrocas Garcia

Photo Credit : Alex Cabarrocas Garcia

Photo Credit : belgianchocolate

Photo Credit : belgianchocolate

Photo Credit : belgianchocolate

Photo Credit : belgianchocolate

Photo Credit : belgianchocolate

Photo Credit : belgianchocolate

Photo Credit : belgianchocolate

Photo Credit : belgianchocolate

Photo Credit : Leon Brocard

Photo Credit : Leon Brocard

Photo Credit : Leon Brocard

Photo Credit : Alex Cabarrocas Garcia

Photo Credit : Leon Brocard

Photo Credit : Leon Brocard

Photo Credit : Leon Brocard             Madagascar

 Off the coast of Africa lies Madagascar, the 

fourth largest island in mass on the globe.

Madagascar is a place unlike any other. A

large segment of the  animals and plant 

species are indigenous to Madagascar and can

not be found any other place on earth. A visit

to this strange land will capture your imagination.

Madagascar provides an excellent opportunity to

see up-close the lemur and chameleon.  A diverse

climate, the eastern side of Madagascar is a

tropical rainforest and the western portion is a

dry, arid region and can go months without rain.

The western region is also home to the Baobab tree,

also known as the "Tree of Life". Since the Baobab tree can store

up to 1000 gallons of water during dry seasons,they can

provide much needed water to the people of Madagascar.

Madagascar will enchant you and the scenery will leave

you breathless.  Discover this "lost world" of islands and

unique wildlife and relish in this adventure.


       When traveling to exotic locations we always recommend

       you seek the professional expertise of a travel agent and

       check with the U.S. State Department regarding current

       travel advisories or warnings.


Points of Interests For Madagascar

Isalo National Park

Masoala National Park

Berenty Reserve

Nosy Iranja

Nosy Komba

Anjajavy Nature Reserve


Nosy Be

Ranomafana National Park

Montagne d'Ambre National Park

Ile Saint-Marie

Musee du Palais d'Andafiavaratra (Queen in Antananarivo Palace Museum)


                               "Misaotra"         (thank you in Malagasy)